MindCrack Fan Server Ultra Hardcore

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The MindCrack Fan Server Ultra Hardcore is a video series based on the MindCrack Ultra Hardcore series. The video series features the use of a server side Bukkit mod by ghowden that is based on the Minecraft mod "xxxHardcorexxx Mod" by SBK_x_SiiLeNcE.

Hardcore Mod[edit]

The Bukkit mod carries all features of the Hardcore Mod with many variations. The heart sprites uses regular hearts rather than "hardcore" hearts. The list of players show their health numerically rather than pictorially. The players' names are also color-coded to show general health, from green to yellow to red. The chat log displays how much damage a player took. In Season 1, it also shows what damage the player took. Since Season 2, the death of a player is shown with a timestamp in chat. Every 20 minutes, the server will display a magenta message. The map boundary is invisible; reaching it will force the player back within the map. The players' or teams' starting locations are randomized around a random world seed.

Season 1[edit]

Season 1 featured Alphonia, darkphan, Morgwen, and PimpingPanda, all members of the MindCrack Fan Server. It is team-based, similar to MindCrack UHC Seasons 1 and 2. The session was recorded on 17 March 2012.

Season 2[edit]

Season 2 was team-based PvP, similar to MindCrack UHC Season 7. Specifically for this season, the hunger bar will always show half full and does not show actual hunger. Dying automatically bans the player. The session was recorded on 10 April 2012. Two players from outside the Fan Server joined: InfctedMushr00m and just_defy


Team Members
FYI UrGunnaDie InfctedMushr00m just_defy
InfctedMushr00m just_defy
Herms darkphan Morgwen
darkphan Morgwen
PimpingRainbow OmegaRainbow PimpingPanda
OmegaRainbow PimpingPanda
TheyDon'tKnowEachOther Alphonia Miheyu
Alphonia Miheyu

Playlists and videos[edit]


Season 3[edit]

Season 3 is similar to last season but diplomacy is allowed. Players can team up with other members or betray their own teammate. The session was recorded on 5 May 2012. Like the previous season, a player from outside the Fan Server joined: ShreeyamGFX. Shree did not release any videos.


Team Members
AlphaOmega Alphonia OmegaRainbow
Alphonia OmegaRainbow
DarkMorgue darkphan Morgwen
darkphan Morgwen
PimpingMan PimpingPanda rayman86
PimpingPanda rayman86
Shreilla Peilla ShreeyamGFX
Peilla ShreeyamGFX
Stealthy Ninjas devonsama mishterbobo
devonsama mishterbobo

Playlists and videos[edit]


Season 4[edit]

Season 4 is team-based PvP, first season to use teams of three. The session was recorded on 11 June 2012.


Playlists and videos[edit]


Season 5[edit]

Every player is scattered around the map. Team members have to travel in order to meet up. This season includes another Bukkit plugin called "Battle Royale" by DocRedstone. The map boundary shrinks over time. Any player outside the boundary is killed.


Playlists and videos[edit]


Reddit threads[edit]

Season 6[edit]

In season 6 teams spawn together on the map. The "Battle Royale" plugin was not used because the map boundaries were shrinking early and causing health regeneration.[1] breeplaysgames, devonsama, LUNAPOD and oddmast did not release any videos.


Team Members
BreePlaysLuna breeplaysgames LUNAPOD
breeplaysgames LUNAPOD
DarkMorgue darkphan Morgwen
darkphan Morgwen
Haruson harumei Jason27
harumei Jason27
Lorgman86 brianmcn rayman86
brianmcn rayman86
TibMast oddmast TibTuner04
oddmast TibTuner04
uisDevon devonsama uisdead99
devonsama uisdead99

Playlists and videos[edit]


Reddit threads[edit]

Season 7[edit]


Playlists and videos[edit]


Reddit threads[edit]

Season 8[edit]


Playlists and videos[edit]


Reddit threads[edit]

Season 9[edit]

This season two teams of 4. The season started on June 7, 2013 with 30 minute episodes released every other day (with the exception of OmegaRainbow, who uploaded 15min episodes every day, due to his internet connection). The 1250 x 1250 map was hosted by Oddmast.

Team ZOOM:

Team MUFF (MindCrack Unofficial Fighting Federation)

Playlists and videos[edit]


Reddit threads[edit]


  1. raymanLPs (30 September 2012). "[MCFS] [UHC] Season 6, Episode 1 - I'm aggressive?". YouTube. <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMzj-DDa0uc&t=38s>.