
From the unofficial fan-run MindCrack and HermitCraft wiki
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See also MindCrack, HermitCraft, Wikipedia:About

Wiki statistics

  • The wiki is running MediaWiki version 1.22.4.
  • It has 782 content articles, and 3,541 pages in total.
  • There have been 29,001 edits.
  • There are 1,865 uploaded files.

MindCrack and HermitCraft are communities of video game players and YouTube personalities who play together principally through the multiplayer features of the game Minecraft. They record their exploits during gameplay sessions and publish them to viewers on YouTube or live stream it on Twitch or hitbox. This is provided alongside various side projects involving either sessions played alone or with varying numbers of other players - both from within and outside the communities.

MindCrack is a brand owned by Guude. Its logo is owned and copyrighted by W92Baj. Both MindCrack and HermitCraft started out with Minecraft but have expanded to include other video games. Text and images on this wiki are licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL) (1.3 or later). Contributions remain the property of their creators, while the GFDL license ensure the content is freely distributable and reproducible.

Anyone with Web access can edit the wiki. Currently, we have several active contributors to help create a consistent style throughout the wiki, following our rules and standards. Anyone can contribute to the wiki by clicking on the Edit tab in a page. The ease of editing the wiki should result in many people editing. That makes the updating of the wiki very quick.

Countless users, including anonymous users, help document the world MindCrack and HermitCraft. Text on this wiki is a collaborative work, and the efforts of individual contributors to a page are recorded in that page's history, which is publicly viewable. Information on the authorship of images can be found by clicking on the image itself or the nearby information icon to display the file page, which includes the author and source, where appropriate, along with other information.

This wiki uses a simple yet powerful page layout to allow editors to concentrate on adding material rather than page design. Most of these have simple formats that are deliberately very easy and intuitive. A general page layout consists of tabs along the top of the page. The basic ones are:

  • Page. Shows the primary page.
  • Discussion. Shows a user discussion about the page's topic and possible revisions, controversies, etc.
  • Edit. This tab allows users to edit the article. Depending on the page’s susceptibility to vandalism, according to its visibility or the degree of controversy surrounding the topic, this tab may not be shown for all users. You may see the tab labeled as View source instead.
  • View history. This tab allows readers to view the editors of the article and the changes that have been made.

This wiki uses MediaWiki software, the open-source program used not only on Wikimedia projects but also on many other third-party websites.